These custom Nike's by Daniel Reese feature much loved icons from movies, music, art and gaming. Reese has plans to sell his designs in the future for around $280. Well worth the doe I say.
The thing that stands out to me the most about Terry Rodgers figurative paintings if the bored looks on the models faces. Their young, beautiful and rich and spend their time indulging in sex and drugs but it all seems a little dull after a while.
In keeping with yesterdays theme of urban plant growing today we have the folks from Wicked Delicate and their Truck Farm. They will also be releasing a film documenting the process of turning this old pickup truck into a mobile garden.
Who says that graffiti and street art can't be good for the environment? The two guys over at Poster Pocket Plants are bringing a natural touch to the urban landscape.
Admittedly PETA tends to take things a bit far sometimes and thus turn a lot of "normal" people away from their cause. However this video they shoot undercover of the Ringling Brothers circus should keep most people who see it from visiting the Big Top.
Adam Yauch aka "MCA" has been diagnosed with throat cancer. It sounds like it is very treatable and that after surgery to remove the tumor he should be back to his regular self. In the meantime they have cancelled upcoming shows and pushed back the release of their new album. Get well sound Yauch!!
Here is a picture from this weeks G8 summit in which our Commander and Chief checks out the backside of a member of the Brazilian delegation. Or is checking South American girls elitist? You gotta love French Presidents Sarkozy's facial expression.
The local Austin hero might not be popular with the French but he's big in the art community. Armstong has had trial bikes with art designs by Shepard Fairey, Kenny Scharf, Marc Newson, Yoshitomo Nara and Damien Hirst.
The Bike Dispenser was designed by the Dutch company Springtime. It works petty much the same way the luggage cart dispenser works at the airport. The bikes are tagged so they can be tracked if not returned to one of the many dispensers located at airports, train stations and other popular tourists spots. The cost for 20 hours is around $3.71 making a cheap and easy way to get around. Now if we can get some of these in the US.
Just in time for the Fourth Of July comes this picture from Runner's World where the Alaskan wolf slayer clearly violates the U.S. Flag Code. The flag should never touch anything under it including the ground, water or merchandise. Sarah why do hate America?
Bruce Springsteen continues to prove his relevance to younger bands and just come across as a cool guy. At Glastonbury last weekend here joined The Gaslight Anthem for "'59 Sound".
Sure we have all seen pictures of buildings that have collapsed due to natural or man made causes. However seeing a building that has just toppled over is a rare sight. This building in Shanghai has just fallen over and remains pretty much intact. Although the cause of the fall is being investigated unstable soil conditions are believed to be involved.
Sheppard Fairey is staying part of the debate, this time by promoting wind power and renewable energy. He hopes to use his newest print as part of an upcoming Green Energy campaign.