Published in 1938 Action Comics issue one was the first to feature Superman. On Monday an issue was posted for sale online and within a minute was sold for a million dollars which is more than three time the previous record for this comic. Only a hundred issues of this comic are know to exist and only two (including the one sold) are known to be in good condition.
About Chris Pastras: Stereo, founded in 1992 by Chris Pastas’ and Jason Lee, approaches skateboarding with a unique and highly innovative emphasis on style, originality and plain old fashion fun. By incorporating street art, 50s and 60s design, jazz album cover artwork and ideas pulled from early men’s magazines, Stereo has been credited as revolutionizing skateboard graphics, artwork and advertising. The classic Americana styles Stereo produces carries with it a lightness and humor that promotes individuality and creativity amongst skateboarders of all ages.
I think it might be the simplicity of these Pan Am ads that make them so powerful to me. When I look at these pictures they draw me in and make me want to visit the places they advertise without any heavy handed or obvious ploys. There is no promise of beautiful women or having the "time of your life" instead they seem to say "this place is kinda cool, maybe you might want to check it out". There is a lesson there somewhere for modern ad designers. See and learn more about these cool ads here.
Swedish artist Jonas Bergstrand is a bit of a chameleon with his ability to morph his style into whatever the job requires. Anything from photo realistic dinosaur cards to a cartoonish sketch of the new James Bond is within Bergstrands realm of possibilities.
During WWI German U-Boats were very effective at sinking enemy ships be they military or commercial. The Navy tried different color schemes but due to the ever changing sky and water what was camouflage one day made them stand out even more the next. Enter British Artist and naval officer Norman Wilkinson who created the Dazzle Camouflage or Razzle Dazzle as it was know in the United States. The technique used bright colors and contrasting diagonal lines to make it hard for the U-Boats to judge the size and speed of the ship. Although the photos are all in black and white the ships were very bright and colorful. In a way what Wilkinson did was turn these War Ships into floating pieces of Cubist art.
Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds was a badass movie that managed to do something new with the WWII movie genre. So it makes sense that it would inspire some awesome art by some of our favorite artists around here. Contributors include: David Choe, Alex Pardee, Jeremy Fish, Sam Flores and many more. The prints are available through Upper Playground.
Spotted at the 2010 Toy Fair these die cast Beatles toys should be a big hit. Consisting of cars, buses and even a submarine these toys are based off of classic albums like Hard Days Night, Sgt. Pepper, Magical Mystery tour, etc.
This should bring back some memories for those of us who grew up in the 80's. It might be hard for some of you youngsters to imagine but before George Lucas revolutionized the toy industry action figures did not exist. Instead you had something more like a doll with removable clothes and no "Kung Fu Grip". You can see more of these package backs here.